10 Most Common phrases in Spoken Arabic

10 Most Common phrases in Spoken Arabic

Spoken Arabicmeaning
معليه ma 3aleehno worries, never mind, sorry, not a big deal and excuse me
ولا يهمَك/ولا يهمِكwala yihmak/wala yihmikDon’t worry
مُمكِن momkinMay I have
طيِّبTayyebOk, fine
مافي مُشكِلةmafi mushkilaNo problem
خلصkhalasStop, enough and it’s over
تانيTaaniSecond, again and another
يعطيك العافية / يعطيكي العافيةye3Tiik il-3aafeya/ ye3Tiiki il-3aafeyaMay Allah gives you health
خيرkhierGood and hope it’s good